This page is the connection to information, results and photos relating to the Thomas Downey knights cross-country and track teams--WHAT TIME IS IT? KNIGHT TIME!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


The seven MMC schools hooked up again for Cluster Meet #2 yesterday in a very warm East La Loma Park and the Downey Knights represented!

The F/S were the first TDHS runners to try the course. This was a slightly parred down group as many of the top sophs had been moved up to varsity. Alfonso led the way with a very strong 12:52 time over the fast 2 mile course.
11-Urbano 12:52 (1:15 improvement)
15-Garibay 13:03 (:23 improvement)
31-O'Bryan 13:44
41-Freitas 14:04 (:18 improvement)
42-Solorzano 14:07
60-Foreman 15:54 (2:03 improvement)
61-Heltne 15:55

The varsity girls were first up on the full 3 mile double figure 8 circuit. They were once again led by Sierra and Rocio who both placed in the top ten. Karina had a strong race placing 16th. Natalie and Rory cracked the top 20 allowing the team to maintain the third spot in league.
4-Durham 20:51 (:19 improvement)
9-Ramirez-Castro 22:10
16-Redding 23:22 (:40 improvement)
18-Franco 23:28 (:05 improvement)
19-Jimenez 23:30 (:21 improvement)
23-Homan 23:28 (:56 improvement)
27-Ortiz 24:59 (1:21 improvement)
29-Urbano 26:10 (3:32 improvement)
32-Reynolds 27:20 (1:16 improvement)
33-Flores 27:31 (2:13 improvement)
34-Williams 27:49 (big improvement)
36-Reyes 27:58 (:20 improvement)
45-Mora 32:50 (1:02 improvement)

The varsity boys closed out the day. Andrew went out way too fast but was still able to hang on for 7th place overall. Pierson, Guadalupe, and Kenji all placed in the top twenty. The boys also placed third, being nosed out for second by a scant two points to Grace Davis.
7-Osgood 17:50
12-Devers 18:44 (1:03 improvement)
14-Torres 19:00 (:44 improvement)
18-K Soares 19:27 (:32 improvement)
25-Limon 20:22
26-Holloway 20:24 (1:39 improvement)
30-S Soares 20:49 (:34 improvement)
33-Ippolito 21:25 (:38 improvement)
37-Bingham 21:42
39-Garcia 22:53
41-Nakai 23:38 (1:25 improvement)
50-Orozco 27:14 (:43 improvement)


Monday, September 27, 2010


The only meet we had this week was Frogtown. So of the runners this week were lucky to just survive the course, but a few cashed in with superior performances.

ABBY HOMAN--was Downey's only runner in the Frosh race. She placed 19th. She was one of only two Downey runners to win a medal. Abby's slight frame belies her strength and toughness.

ALFONSO URBANO--was the first Downey finisher in the Frosh boy's race. His time would have beaten most of the Downey Soph boys. Alfonso's real value to the team lies in his infectious positive attitude.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Most of the Downey runners "survived" the Frogtown course and the very hot conditions--but there were some casualties. We left on the bus at 8:15, got up to the Calaveras County Fairgrounds, and set up our "camp." Then we walked over the course. It was already very hot.

The Frosh boys were the first large school's race. They seemed to have some trouble just finding their way to the starting line on time. Ultimately Alfonso ran a very strong race, finishing 56th with and time of 15:03 over the very hilly 2 mi. course. There were 128 runners.
56-Alfonso 15:03
82-Indika 16:44
91-Andrew H. 17:10

Next up were the Frosh girls. Abby was the only Downey runner in this division. She ran a very strong race. She place 19th, ran 17:58, and earned herself a medal. There were 69 runners.
19-Abby 17:58

The Soph boys took the course next. They ended up finishing in a close pack. There were 185 runners.
98-Nick 14:59
99-Tyler 15:02
101-Seiji 15:03 (ran 16:40 last year on the same course)
118-Francisco 15:31

The JV girls tackled the 2mi course next. Yanelli had a very solid showing covering the 2 mi distance in 18:28 and coming in 14th. There were 71 runners.
14-Yaneli 18:28
40-Mai 20:19
43-Ana 20:53
69-Cynthia 24:50

The varsity girls was the first race in which Downey had a potential scoring team participating. Sierra, Karina, Rocio, Rory, and Reyna would take on the full 5K distance. Sierra was in 22nd at the one mile, entering the major hill section. Coming over the top of the last major hill (at 1.5 miles) she had moved up to 7th. A coach from another team was on the course. As she descended the steepest hill, she had to negotiate around this coach. She lost her footing and in the blink of an eye, her race was over. Rocio, Karina, and Rory were still in solid position. In the later stages of the race Rocio faded, perhaps due to some heat exhaustion) and Karina nearly caught her. There were 158 finishers.
62-Rocio 25:24
67-Karina 25:33
78-Rory 26:19
129-Reyna 30:42

The varsity boys closed out the long day. At race time it was 98F at the starting line and 104F in the hills. Ten Downey boys toed the line in the very large field of 224. After 300m of racing the first 15 runners took a wrong turn (Andrew included). They had to stop, double-back, and attempt to regain their positions. This coupled with the heat and lack of quality distance base miles; made for a very difficult race for Andrew. He would still be the top Downey finisher (38th, 18:54) and 4th for Stanislaus County. Guadalupe and Pierson would run much of the race together as would Kenji and Ernesto. Some of our boys were laughing and yucking it up during the race. I would certainly question their attitude, commitment, and level of seriousness.
38-Andrew 18:54
83-Guadalupe 20:16
89-Pierson 20:23
112-Ernesto 21:44
114-Kenji 21:15
180-Emanuel 24:30
181-Ryan 24:37
182-David 24:38
210-Gabe 26:54
212-Bryce 27:11

The VB comprised Downey's only scoring team of the day. They scored 393 points and placed 13th out of the 31 large schools. The best news of the day was that we beat both Turlock (ranked #4 in the county) and Pitman (ranked #5 in the county). This should enable the boys to crack the top 5 rankings when they come out next. Go Big Blue!

We stopped for pizza on the way home. Everybody knows that teenagers like to eat (and this was no exception). These are the moments that teams are built on.



Monday, September 20, 2010


A couple of reminders:
1. Wednesday (9/22) is picture day. Bring your order form and your uniform.
2. Friday (9/24) is the pasta party at Karina's house.
3. Saturday (9/25) is Frogtown. Hills, hils, hills, and we leave EARLY!

Congratulations to Ernesto and Sierra for being named as the team captains by the coaches.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Two Downey runners made the Top 10 for the county in the "Stanislaus County Cross Country" blog. Sierra Durham comes in this week ranked as #8 in the county. Her strong performance in the MMC Cluster Meet solidified her position. Andrew Osgood (far from in top form) cracked the list at #9 due to his solid effort in the Cluster Meet. The real surprise is that Rocio Ramirez-Castro is mentioned as a "new name on the scene." Her 7th place in the Cluster Meet put the entire county of notice that she is a running force.

Barely missing the team rankings were both the boys' and girls' teams. The boys fresh off of their third place finish in the Cluster Meet, just missed popping into the top five. The girls are mentioned as "the team to watch." They are described as, "A group of young runners that are improving and gaining ground on the top teams in the county." WOOT! WOOT! "Are there any ducks in the house?"


The two runners being recognized for their outstanding achievements during week 3 each had great races during Cluster Meet #1.
ROCIO RAMIREZ-CASTRO--ran a great race at the Cluster Meet. She placed 7th overall (2nd for Downey). She ran 21:50 (a 1:18 improvement from the Sierra Inv) becoming only the third Downey girls' runner to break 22 min for three miles in the past 5 years. Her surprise placing propelled the girls to an upset victory over Grace Davis, and to 3rd place overall in the team standings.

ERNESTO LIMON--placed 15th overall (3rd for Downey) in the most recent Cluster Meet. Ernesto was one of the few boys to improve on his time from the Sierra Inv. He ran 19:45 (for a 28 sec improvement). The coaches feel that Ernesto real strength lies in his positive attitude and team leadership skills.

Great job Rocio and Ernesto. We look forward to seeing your continued growth and success over the rest of the season.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


The seven MMC schools met yesterday in the league's first ever cluster meet at Gregori HS. All three Downey teams performed well (we have no F/S girls).

The F/S girls led off the day. Downey's only participant in the race was Jasmine. She covered the 2 mi course in 21:34 and place 46th.

The F/S boys took the field next. They were surprisingly led by Emanuel, who stopped the clock in 13:26 and placed 18th. In the final head to head results they would beat Grace Davis, Enochs, and Johansen.

18. Garibay 13:26
29. O'Bryan 13:56
33. Bingham 14:03
34. Urbano 14:07
38. Freitas 14:22
40. Solorzano 14:25
62. Heltne 16:37

The varsity girlshad the third race of the day. Since there was no JV division 17 Downey girls toed the line. Sierra led the way again with a strong 5th place finish. Rocio was the surprise of the day, improving on her time in the Sierra Inv by over a minute and placing 7th. Many of the girls had PRs and 5 of them placed in the top twenty. In a huge upset they placed 3rd overall (knocking off #5 ranked Grace Davis along with Beyer and JoHo).

5. Durham 21:10 (0:10 improvement)
7. Ramirez-Castro 21:50 (1:18 improvement)
17. Franco 23:32 (0:47 improvement)
19. Scheder 23:42 (0:55 improvement)
20. Jimenez 23:51 (0:50 improvement)
22. Redding 24:02 (0:11 improvement)
29. Homan 25:43 (0:23 improvement)
33. Ortiz 26:33
38. Reyes 28:18
39. Sanchez 28:24
40. Reynolds 28:36
44. Urbano 29:42
45. Flores 29:44
56. Mendoza 32:25
61. Mora 33:52
66. Williams 39:10
67. Ochoa 39:18

67 total runners

The final race of the day was the varsity boys. Andrew led the way finishing 4th eventhough he had been unable to workout for over a week. Guadalupe made the most of his varsity debut by coming in 14th overall (2nd for Downey). Overall the boys placed third beating Beyer, Enochs, and Johansen.

4. Osgood 17:37
14. Torres 19:44
15. Limon 19:45 (0:28 improvement)
16. Devers 19:47 (0:06 improvement)
27. Soares,K 21:05
30. Soares,S 21:23 (0:41 improvement)
38. Ippolito 22:31
39. Holloway 22:31
44. Nakai 25:03
51. Orozco 27:57

54 total runners


Our next meet is Saturady September 25th at Frogtown

Monday, September 13, 2010


The runners of the week, for week 2, Sierra Invitational, are Guadalupe Torres and Yaneli Ortiz.

YANELI ORTIZ: ran 15:30 for 2 miles and placed 70th in the coed JV race at the Sierra Invitational. She was the first Downey runner to cross the line and receive our only award of the day as one of the top female in the entire JV race.
GUADALUPE TORRES: placed 24th overall in the F/S division at the Sierra Inv. He was Downey's first finisher in that race. His time of 11:42 was a 2:36 improvement over his Intrasquad 2mi time.

Great job to both of you. The coaches look forward to watching your continued progress as a runner.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Pre-race pasta party at Seiji's and Kenji's house at 6:00 PM on Tuesday 9/14.

Boys bring drinks or desserts.
Girls bring salads or fruits.

Address 2704 Raintree Pl. Modesto (near Scenic and Sonoma)
email for directions
or call Coach Durham @ 537-9317


The bulk of the Downey runners PRed today. There were over 1200 runners representing 37 schools. The course was fast and the weather was perfect.

The F/S boys started off the day. Guadalupe led the way, finishing 24th and scoring the biggest PR of the day (2:36) over his intrasquad time a few weeks ago. Andrew Heltne also scored a huge PR (2:23). As a team they placed 16th out of 20 teams. There were 233 runners.

We had no girls competing in the F/S race. They all either ran VG or JV.

The VB were up next. The newby Pierson (19:53, 83rd) beat the veterens Kenji (19:59, 88th) and Ernesto (20:13, 96th). As a team they were 20th overall and 8th for the large schools. If Osgood had been able to run they likely would have place 13th overall (and second among Stanislaus County schools). There were 208 runners.

The VG had a strong showing especially considering the team is comprised of 3 sophs and 5 frosh only one of whom has any experience at the 5k distance. Sierra led the way (12th, 21:20) finishing (3rd for the county) just out of the awards. Rocio also had a solid placing (44th, 23:08). The next four girls (Karina, Natalie, Katie, and Rory) were tightly packed for much of the race and finished with in ten palces (77th-87th) and 28 seconds (24:13-24:41) of each other. It was fun to watch them sprint at the end of the race for the team bragging rights. As a team they finished 10th overall with 255 pts and 6th for the large schools. They were the 4th team for Stanislaus County. there were 179 runners.

The coed JV race completed the day. We had no boys in this race. Yaneli led the group finishing 70th overall (15:30). She place for the girls and would be the only Downey award winner of the day. She will runner the varsity 3mi on Wednesday and looks like a real contender to break into our block of young female talent. Araceli, Aly, and Jacqueline all had huge PRs over their intrasquad times. There were 135 runners

Great job knights. Our next race is the MMC Cluster Meet #1 at Gregori this Wednesday.




Last Name First Name Gr M/F 9/11 Sierra 2mi/5K

Torres Guadalupe 10 M 2mi-11:42 24th F/S boys  (improvment of 2:36 over intrasquad)
O'Bryan David 10 M 2mi-12:36 68th F/S boys  (improvment of 1:57 over intrasquad)
Bingham Tyler 10 M 2mi-13:36137th F/S boys  (improvment of 1:38 over intrasquad)
Solorzeno Francisco 10 M 2mi-13:46 142 F/S boys (improvment of 0:46 over intrasquad)
Ortiz Yaneli 11 F 2mi-15:30 70th JV boys/girls
Heltne Andrew 9 M 2mi-15:32 211th F/S boys  (improvment of 2:23 over intrasquad)
Reyes Araceli 12 F 2mi-16:31 89th JV boys/girls (improvment of 1:24 over intrasquad)
Reynolds Alison 11 F 2mi-16:53 96th JV boys/girls (improvment of 1:51 over intrasquad)
Williams Mai 12 F 2mi-17:18 103rd JV boys/girls  (improvment of 1:24 over intrasquad)
Flores Anairam 11 F 2mi-17:37 107th JV boys/girls
Foreman Jacob 9 M 2mi-17:57 225th F/S boys
Mendoza Mariana 12 F 2mi-18:33 120th JV boys/girls
Mora Cynthia 11 F 2mi-20:06 130th JV boys/girls (improvment of 0:29 over intrasquad)
Martinez Jasmine 9 F 2mi-21:17 132nd JV boys/girls
Ochoa Jacqueline 11 F 2mi-21:50 133rd JV boys/girls (improvment of 2:02 over intrasquad)
Devers Pierson 10 M 5k-19:53 83rd VB
Soares Kenji 11 M 5k-19:59 88th VB
Limon Ernesto 11 M 5k-20:13 96 VB
Durham Sierra 10 F 5k-21:20 12th VG
Ippolito Nick 10 M 5k-22:03 155th VB
Holloway Ryan 11 M 5k-22:03 156th VB
Soares Seiji 10 M 5k-22:04 157th VB
Ramirez-Castro Rocio 10 F 5k-23:08 44th VG
Ayers Chris 11 M 5k-23:54 186th VB
Redding Karina 10 F 5k-24:13 76th VG
Franco Natalie 9 F 5k-24:19 77th VG
Scheder Katherine 9 F 5k-24:37 83rd VG
Jimenez Aurora 9 F 5k-24:41 87 VG
Homan Abby 9 F 5k-26:06 120th VG
Sanchez Jimena 9 F 5k-26:57 129th VG

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Sierra Durham came in at #7 on the girls' county preseason XC rankings. I know that Sierra worked very hard in the off season putting in the miles that she would need to reach her goal this year. To read the complete article and rankings:

Andrew Osgood seems to finally be healthy (knock on wood), and the rest of the county is beginning to take notice. Andrew made the honorable mention section of the boys' county preseason XC rankings. This past Saturday's time would have put him ahead of several of the runners who made the list in last year's section championship meet. Look for him to move up the list as the season progresses. For the full article and rankings:



For those of you who can make it, we will be holding practice on Monday (9/6) at 11 AM. We will meet in the Downey parking lot--SEE YOU THERE! Tuesday is a minimum day at school (for Back to School Night). We WILL have practice after school lets out at about 12:55--meet in the stadium.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Willow Hills Relays--Folsom

Sierra, Andrew and Kenji all performed well at today's Willow Hills Relays. They each ran in the varsity/individual race and not the relay. Andrew looked strong from the start. He was in second place just before the mile. The course makes a sharp "U-turn" and he lost his footing. He went down and rolled. At least one runner was forced to hurdle him. He was uninjured but lost a lot of his momentum. He eventually finished a very respectable 7th place (out of 53) and ran 18:04.61 for 5K on a tough, hilly course. Kenji hung in the middle of the pack, placing 24th and crossing the line in 20:57.8. Sierra finished 4th (and medaled) against the 35 varsity girls (most were in the relay portion). She was able to complete the course in 22:52.59.

It is EARLY in the season BUT, Andrew's time would have placed him 35th in last year's D1 section championship (and what if he hadn't fallen?). Sierra would have placed 51st with her time. No doubt, there is much work still to be done, but today's results are encouraging. GREAT JOB, ALL THREE OF YOU YOU REPRESENTED DOWNEY WELL!


