This page is the connection to information, results and photos relating to the Thomas Downey knights cross-country and track teams--WHAT TIME IS IT? KNIGHT TIME!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Most of the Downey runners "survived" the Frogtown course and the very hot conditions--but there were some casualties. We left on the bus at 8:15, got up to the Calaveras County Fairgrounds, and set up our "camp." Then we walked over the course. It was already very hot.

The Frosh boys were the first large school's race. They seemed to have some trouble just finding their way to the starting line on time. Ultimately Alfonso ran a very strong race, finishing 56th with and time of 15:03 over the very hilly 2 mi. course. There were 128 runners.
56-Alfonso 15:03
82-Indika 16:44
91-Andrew H. 17:10

Next up were the Frosh girls. Abby was the only Downey runner in this division. She ran a very strong race. She place 19th, ran 17:58, and earned herself a medal. There were 69 runners.
19-Abby 17:58

The Soph boys took the course next. They ended up finishing in a close pack. There were 185 runners.
98-Nick 14:59
99-Tyler 15:02
101-Seiji 15:03 (ran 16:40 last year on the same course)
118-Francisco 15:31

The JV girls tackled the 2mi course next. Yanelli had a very solid showing covering the 2 mi distance in 18:28 and coming in 14th. There were 71 runners.
14-Yaneli 18:28
40-Mai 20:19
43-Ana 20:53
69-Cynthia 24:50

The varsity girls was the first race in which Downey had a potential scoring team participating. Sierra, Karina, Rocio, Rory, and Reyna would take on the full 5K distance. Sierra was in 22nd at the one mile, entering the major hill section. Coming over the top of the last major hill (at 1.5 miles) she had moved up to 7th. A coach from another team was on the course. As she descended the steepest hill, she had to negotiate around this coach. She lost her footing and in the blink of an eye, her race was over. Rocio, Karina, and Rory were still in solid position. In the later stages of the race Rocio faded, perhaps due to some heat exhaustion) and Karina nearly caught her. There were 158 finishers.
62-Rocio 25:24
67-Karina 25:33
78-Rory 26:19
129-Reyna 30:42

The varsity boys closed out the long day. At race time it was 98F at the starting line and 104F in the hills. Ten Downey boys toed the line in the very large field of 224. After 300m of racing the first 15 runners took a wrong turn (Andrew included). They had to stop, double-back, and attempt to regain their positions. This coupled with the heat and lack of quality distance base miles; made for a very difficult race for Andrew. He would still be the top Downey finisher (38th, 18:54) and 4th for Stanislaus County. Guadalupe and Pierson would run much of the race together as would Kenji and Ernesto. Some of our boys were laughing and yucking it up during the race. I would certainly question their attitude, commitment, and level of seriousness.
38-Andrew 18:54
83-Guadalupe 20:16
89-Pierson 20:23
112-Ernesto 21:44
114-Kenji 21:15
180-Emanuel 24:30
181-Ryan 24:37
182-David 24:38
210-Gabe 26:54
212-Bryce 27:11

The VB comprised Downey's only scoring team of the day. They scored 393 points and placed 13th out of the 31 large schools. The best news of the day was that we beat both Turlock (ranked #4 in the county) and Pitman (ranked #5 in the county). This should enable the boys to crack the top 5 rankings when they come out next. Go Big Blue!

We stopped for pizza on the way home. Everybody knows that teenagers like to eat (and this was no exception). These are the moments that teams are built on.



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