This page is the connection to information, results and photos relating to the Thomas Downey knights cross-country and track teams--WHAT TIME IS IT? KNIGHT TIME!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


After losing every member of the 2009 boy's varsity team, all but two members of the girl's varsity team and both coaches...The 2010 Downey XC team is rising from the ashes.

Tony Ippolito has taken on the head coaching assignment with the support of Steve Garrett and the volunteer parent assistants, Dave Soares and Scott Durham.

There are about 30 runners at practice. The practices have been long, hot, dirty, and sweaty. Amazingly, at the end of the day I still see smiles. It is that special satisfaction that comes from accomplishing something that a week ago you might have thought was impossible. I am especially encouraged by the strong freshman girls turn out. There are some talented and tough young ladies out, and I predict by the end of the season they will be rockin' the league. Hopefully they will stay together for all four years and form the nucleus that helps to rebuild the boy's team too.

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